Just three short weeks to readjust from the lazy days of summer. We have got into a nice routine of later bedtimes and lazy slow mornings, with time to decide what to eat for breakfast and what activities to do in the rest of the day. Sometimes, we've been known to stay in our pj's all day! Especially, on one of the many stormy and rainy days we've had this summer.
This year will be a different school routine for us - my daughter is going into first grade, so she knows pretty much what to expect, but my son is starting pre-k. It will be his first time away from familiar faces, although only for a couple of hours, so we'll see how that goes! The preschooler's don't get to ride the bus, so I'll be driving him there and back - but it means a couple hours of quiet time for me! Yay!
The most exciting time for everyone, I think, is getting the list of supplies in the mail - and then it's time to hit the store for the new boxes of crayons, pencils, glue sticks, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc.....What fun!
Even at my age, there's nothing quite like a box full of sharp tipped, colorful crayons!
This post is part of the Etsyblogger's August blog carnival!

Even though I don't have kids in the house, I can feel the excitement in the air. Here, in Okla., the kids go back to school before Memorial Day, and the supply lists are in the stores (don't know if they're in the mailboxes!)
I seriously smelled that crayon smell when I saw your crayon picture! :) For me it's one of those unique smells that reminds me of childhood. My heart also pulled when I read about your kids going to school...Mine are only 2 1/2 and 14 months old but they will be going one year after the other and I love having them home so much that I don't look forward to that time yet...
I know what you mean Zany! Most people were groaning at the beginning of the summer - but I couldn't wait to keep them both at home. I miss the days when they were both so small and it was always the three of us, cherish every day.
Good luck supply shopping.... I remember how chaotic those aisles can be!
Ahhh.... the smell of new crayons! It's the best! Darling post! :)
Nothing like a new box of crayons to bring out the kid in all of us.
We're in our second week of school down here. At first I was sad to send them off, but now I'm enjoying some me time!
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