The book by Neil Gaiman was already really cool, what ideas that man comes up with!, but the Tim Burton vision is just as amazing. We also all loved this movie, from youngest child to oldest adult, that's the power of good storytelling. If you haven't seen it yet, you must, it's excellent!
So, of course while checking on my Etsy shop today, I figured I'd see what Coraline goodies were out there, and what goodies I found indeed, check them out -
My daughter really wants a Coraline doll, I see a Christmas theme emerging! Hehe!

I haven't seen that yet - and I really want to!
Sounds like a great movie...and what great items you found to go with it :)
I still need to see it...really want to, though! I might just buy the DVD! Great crafts that you found! :)
Haven't seen it yet but your selection is great!
Oh, I loved Coraline! You MUST check out this website and see a video of the woman who knit the tiny sweaters. amazing!
My boys (who are both in their 20's) are big Tim Burton fans also. They loved Coraline when it came out - and they both had to go out and buy the CD(blue ray) of course - so they could each have their own copies.
Love the little Coraline treasures you found!
I haven't seen the movie but looks like I will be watching it soon.
Can't wait for Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland"
Tim Burton had nothing to do with Coraline. Henry Selick directed Coraline and A Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton co-wrote, produced, and helped design A Night Before Christmas. I'm informing you not to be rude but because Neil Gaiman (writer of Coraline) is one of my favorite authors and Henry Selick is a fantastic director who should be given the credit he deserves for making such fantastic films.
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